Yaroslav Vladyko is a political prisoner
A Ukrainian has been sentenced to nine years and ten months in a strict-regime penal colony for allegedly wanting to join Pravy Sektor
The ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ human rights project, in accordance with international standards, considers Yaroslav Vladyko a political prisoner. Vladyko has been convicted of preparing to take part in the activity of an extremist organisation and committing treason on the grounds he allegedly planned to join Pravy Sektor in the war on the side of Ukraine. The prosecution and conviction of Vladyko violate his right to a fair trial. We demand that all criminal charges against Vladyko be dropped and that international legal standards be upheld in his case.
What were the charges against Yaroslav Vladyko?
On 23 August 2022, Yaroslav Vladyko who held both Russian and Ukrainian citizenships was detained in Moscow and jailed on an administrative-law charge of petty hooliganism. According to the investigative authorities, under questioning Vladyko said he intended to travel to Ukraine and join Pravy Sektor to take part in combat operations against Russia. On 31 August 2022, a criminal case was opened against him for preparing to participate in the activity of an extremist organisation (Article 30, Part 1, of the Russian Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 282.2, Part 2). On 1 September, he was remanded in custody. Later, he was also charged with preparing to commit treason (Article 30, Part 1, in conjunction with Article 275). The prosecution’s case was largely based on Vladyko’s Instagram messages and his confession, which he has since claimed was obtained under duress.
On 27 June 2023, a military court sentenced Vladyko to ten years in a strict-regime penal colony. On appeal, his sentence was reduced to nine years and ten months. As a result of his conviction, on 8 May 2024 Vladyko was added to the list of terrorists and extremists. On 7 November 2024, he was stripped of his Russian citizenship.
Why do we consider Vladyko a political prisoner?
We do not know whether Yaroslav Vladyko actually planned to join Pravy Sektor. However, even if he did intend to do so, this does not constitute a crime. In our view, designation of Pravy Sektor as an extremist organisation was unlawful and unfounded. Furthermore, at the present time its combat units are part of the armed forces of Ukraine and their activities constitute legitimate support for a state defending itself against armed aggression, not extremism.
We also consider the charge of preparing to go over to the enemy’s side to be unlawful under international, and therefore Russian, law. According to international law, the only prohibited form of participation by a foreigner in combat to defend a country that is a victim of aggression is mercenary activity. In our view, participation in Pravy Sektor, regardless of whether Vladyko actually intended to join, does not meet the definition of mercenary activity as set out in the relevant convention.
The circumstances of Vladyko’s arrest also raise concerns. Before the criminal case was initiated, he was jailed, seemingly on spurious grounds, for an administrative-law offence. It is likely that the time he was held in jail was used by the authorities, in the absence of any genuine grounds for prosecution, to intimidate Vladyko and to prepare materials for the criminal case against him.
A more detailed description of Yaroslav Vladyko’s case and of our position is available on our website.
Recognition of an individual as a political prisoner does not imply the ‘Political Prisoners. Memorial’ human rights project agrees with, or approves, their views, statements, or actions.
How can you help?
You can write to Yaroslav Vladyko at the following address:
In Russian: 658209, Алтайский край, Рубцовск, ул. Тракторная, д. 26 А, ФКУ ИК-10 УФСИН России по Алтайскому краю, Владыко Ярославу Николаевичу 1995 г. р.
In English: Yaroslav Nikolaevich Vladyko (born 1995), Penal Colony No. 10, Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for Altai Krai, 26A Traktornaya Street, Rubtsovsk, 658209, Russia.
You can also send an e-mail via ZT (for payments with Russian cards), OVD-Info and Memorial-France (free of charge).
Please note that letters in languages other than Russian are highly unlikely to reach the recipient.
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